
Our immune system is housed in our gut, and is made up of trillions of different types of bacteria. It’s important to remember that all disease begins in the gut – be it dermatitis, hay fever, Alzheimer’s or ADD. When these bacterias are in balance we are at optimum health. Poor diet, exercise and sleep habits, high stress levels and toxic environments deplete our good bacteria which gives bad bacteria the ruling power. When this happens our ability to fight off colds and viruses, in addition to grass, flower and plant pollens is seriously compromised.

With our gut flora as a major regulator of our immune system, it is of utmost importance that we keep it balanced. Hay fever is not something to get angry at the plants or grasses about, but more a gentle warning by the body that the immune system needs some help. Ignoring this will only invite more advanced autoimmune problems in time, and swallowing back allergy medication (one of the top five best selling drugs) will only speed up this journey to more serious illnesses.

As always, my tips are the same: following a natural anti-inflammatory way of eating and incorporating movement and mindfulness into our lives is following suit with what has allowed humankind to survive and evolve for millennia. I have witnessed friends and clients beat hayfever all together by incorporating these changes. Like all positive, long lasting change the protocol takes patience and persistence, but the long-lasting results are worth it.


MY SIX TIPS FOR BEATING SEASONAL (AND ANIMAL) ALLERGIES – (if possible begin these steps 2-3 months before hay fever season.)

  1. AVOID GLUTEN, DAIRY, SUGAR, BEER & WINE – these are all inflammatory on your system and take up too much immune system power. For inspiration search through my recipes which are all free from these food groups.
  2. RHYTHMICAL DIET – eat 3 meals a day without any snacks to give your body plenty of rest and repair time
  3. CONSUME BONE BROTH, COURGETTES AND GOOD QUALITY SALT – all are rich in easily absorbed minerals which support and boost the immune system response.
  4. TAKE 2 TBSP DAILY OF RAW LOCAL HONEY OR RAW MULTI-FLORA HONEY – Consuming raw honey desensitizes the body to local pollen so that the pollen does not trigger allergic reactions come hay fever season. If you are allergic to honey then of course omit this step.
  5. TAKE PROBIOTICS – these are the only supplement I take every single day. Made from billions of good bacteria they are an absolute must. My favourite brands are Biokult and Energetix
  6. TAKE VITAMIN C – this vitamin is of utmost importance when it comes to optimal wellness. The problem with most vitamin C supplements is that it is mainly made from ascorbic acid – a lab synthesized version not found anywhere in nature. So look for brands that are additive free and contain vitamin c from real whole foods such as camu camu, Amla berries and so on. Radiant Life is a great brand.



– OMIT shellfish, fish, tomatoes, spinach, strawberries, bananas, cacao/chocolate, vinegar, fermented vegetables.


‘With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose’  – Dr Wayne Dyer


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